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段斌. 学业成绩不足学生与学业成绩优秀学生归因模式比较[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 1989, 7(2): 81-92.
引用本文: 段斌. 学业成绩不足学生与学业成绩优秀学生归因模式比较[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 1989, 7(2): 81-92.


  • ① 黄佳芬, 徐敏:《上海市区中小学学生学业不良现状调查》, 《上海师范学院学报(杜科版)》1983年第4期。
  • ② 李丹, 金瑜等:《韦克斯勒儿童智力量表中国修订版(WISC-CR)上海市区常模(WISC--CRs)制定报告》,《心理学报》1987年第2期。
  • ③ Welner, B., A tbeory of motivation for some claasroom experience, Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp.3-25.
  • ④ Weiner, B., Some thougbts about feelings, in Paris, S.G. et al, eds, Learning and Motivation in the Classroom, 1983, pp:165-178.
  • ①Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
  • ② Bar-Tal, D., Attributional analysis of acbievement-related behavior, Review of Educational Research, 1987, Vo1, 48, No.2, PP. 259-271.
  • ③ Butkowsky, I, S。 & Willow, D.M., Cogaitive-motivationa1 characteristics of children varying in Teading abilitys Evidence for lcarning beIplessness in poor readers, Jourpal of Educational Psychology, 1980,Vol.73, No.3, PP.393-403.
  • ④Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
  • ⑤ Forsyth, D.R. & McMillam, J.H, , Attributions, affect, and expectations; A test of Weiner's three-dimensioral model, Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1981, Vol.73, No.3, PP.393-403.
  • ⑥Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
  • ⑦Weiner, B, , Some thougbts about feelings, In Paris, al., eds, Learing and Motivation in 'tbe Classroom, 1983, PP.165-178.
  • ⑧Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
  • ⑨ Meyer, J, P, Causal attribution for success and failure; A multivariate investigation of dimensionality, formation, and Consequences, Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology, 1980, Vol, 38, No.5, PP.704-718.
  • ⑩Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
  • ⑪Weiner, B, , Some thougbts about feelings, In Paris, al., eds, Learing and Motivation in 'tbe Classroom, 1983, PP.165-178.
  • ⑫ McMaban, I.D., Relationship between Causal attribution and expectanCy of success; Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology, 1973, Vol.28, No.1, PP.108-114.
  • ⑬ Riemer, B.S., Influence of Causal beliefs on affect and expectanCy, JournaI of Personality and Social Psycbology, 1975, Vol, 31, No.6, PP.1163-1167.
  • ⑭ Vall, V.A. & Frieze, I.H., Stability of causal attributions; A mediator in changing expectations for success, Journa1 of Personality and Social Psychology, 1976, Vol.33, No.5, pp.579-587.
  • ① Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classoom experienCe, Journal of Educational PsyChlogy,1979, Vo1, 71, No.1, PP. 3-25.
  • ② Abramson, L.Y. & Seligman, M.E.P., Learned belplessness in buman; Critique and reformulation, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978, Vol.87, No.1, pp.49-74.
  • ③ Dweck, C.S. & Reppucci, N.D., Learned helplessness and rainforcem3ot respoaibility io children, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973, Vo1.25, No.1, pp.109-116.
  • ④ Kukla, A, Atributional determinants of achievemant related bebavior, Jouroal of Personality and Social PsyChology, 1972, Vo1, 21, No.2, PP.166-174.
  • ⑤ Weiner, B.ct al., Causal asCriptions and achievemont bsbavior; A Conceptual aalysis of effort and reanalysis of loCus of control, Journal of Porsonality aod Social PsyChology, 1972, Vol, 21, No. 2, PP. 239-248.
  • ⑥ Marsb, H.W., Rolatiogship among dimensior of self-attribution, dimension of self-concept, aod acadomic achicvements, Jourpa1 of Educational Paychology, 1984, Vol, 76, No.6, pPp.1291-1308.
  • ① Seligman, M.E.P. & Maier, S.F., Failure to escape traumatic sbock, Journal of Experimenta l PsyChology, 1967, Vol.74, No.1, Pp.1-9.
  • ②希尔加德著、邵瑙珍等译:《学习论》上海教育出版社1987年版, 第456页。
  • ③ Miller I, I, W. & Norman, W.H, Learned helplessness in humans; A review and attribution-tbeory'model, Psychological Bulletin, 1979, Vol.86, No.1, PP.93-118.
  • ④希尔加德著、邵瑙珍等译:《学习论》上海教育出版社1987年版, 第456页。
  • ⑤ Thorton, J, W. & Jacobs, P, D., Learned helplessness in buman subjects, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1971, Vo1. 87, No.3, Pp.367-372.
  • ⑥ Dweck, C.S. & Gilliard, D, ,Expectancy statement as determinants of reaction to failure; Sex difference in persistence and expectancy change, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, Vo1.39, No.5, pp.940-952.
  • ⑦ Dweck, al, Sex differences in learned belplessness Ⅱ.The contingencies of evaluatve feedback in the classroom and Ⅱ, An experimental analysis, Developmental Psychology, 1978, Vol.14, No.3, PP.268- 276.
  • ⑧ Dweck, C. s. et al., Sex difereces in learned helplessess IV. An experimental and naturalistic study of failure generalizatton and its mediators, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, Vol, 38 NO.3, PP.441-452.
  • ① 殷普农:《上海市小学—至六年级阅读理解标准测验的编制和测试报告》《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》1987年第1期, 第71-82页。
  • ① Bar-Tal, D, & Guttman, J, A comparison of teachers', Pupils', and Parent's attributions regarding:pupils' academic achievements, British Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1981, vo.51, Pp. 301-311.
  • ② Friend, R.M. & Neale, J.M, Childen's perception of success and failure; An atributiona1 analysis of effect of race and social class, Developmental Psycbology, 1972, vol.7, No.2, pp.124-128.
  • ③ Raviv, al, Causal perception of suCcess and failure by advantaged, integrated, and disadvantaged pupils, Britisb Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1980, Vol. 50, pp.137-146.
  • ① Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journal of Educational PsychologY, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp.3-25.
  • ② Raviv, al., Causal perception of suCCess and failure by. advantaged, integrated, and disadvan taged pupils, British Journal of Educational PsyChology, 1980, Vol, 50, PP.137-146.
  • ① Butkowsky, I, S, & Willows, D.M., Cogoitive-motivational chatacteristics of children varying in reading ability; Evidences for learned helplessness in poor readerS, PP.408-422.
  • ② DweCk, C.S. & Reppucci, N, D., Learned helessness and reinforcethent responsibility in childrep, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973, Vo1, 25, No. 1PP.109-116.
  • ① Kukla, A, , Attributional determinants of achievement-related behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972, Vo1.21, No.2, PP.166-174.
  • ② Marsh, H, W., Relatonip among dimenion of self-atribution, dimension of self-concept, and acade-mic achievements, Jouroal of Educational Psychology, 1984, Vo1.76, No.6, pp.1291-1308.
  • ③Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experienCe, Jouroal of Educational PsyhCology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, PP.3-25.
  • ④ Weiner, B, Some methodological pitf alls io attributional researCb. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1983, Vo1.75, No.4, PP.530-543.
  • ⑤ 杨心德:《初中学生成败归因的初步研究》,《心理科学通讯》1986年第6期。
  • ⑥Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experienCe, Jouroal of Educational PsyhCology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, PP.3-25.
  • ⑦ BarTa, D, Attributional analysis of achievement-related bebavior, Review of Educational Researh, 1978,Vo1.48, No, 2, PP. 259-271.
  • ① Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Jouroal of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vo1.71, No, 1, PP.3-25.
  • ② Abramson, L, Y. & Seligman, M.E.P., Learned helplessness in humana Critique and ref ormulation Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978, Vol.87, No.1, PP.49-74.
  • ③ Dweck, C, S. & Ruppucci, N. D., Learned helplessoess and reinforCement responsibility in childron. Journal of Personality and SoCia1 Psychology, 1973, . Vo1 25, No.1, PP.109-116.
  • ④ Dweck, C.S. & Gilliard, D., ExpectanCy statement as determinants of roaction to failurer Sex tiffe rences in persistence and expectancy change, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, Vol.39, No.5, PP.940-952.
  • ⑤ Zanden, J. W.V. & Pace, A.J, , Educational Psychology, 1983, P.350.
  • ⑥ Andrew, G.R. & Debus, R.L, Persistenco and causal porception of failures Modifying cogaitive atti butions, Journal of Educational Psychology, 1978, Vol.70, No.2, PP.15- 166.
  • ⑦ Fowler, J.W. & Peteron, P.L., Increasing reading persistence and aIterig attributiona1 sty1e of learned “helplessn Ss children, Journal of Educational Psychology, 1981, Vol, 73, No.2, pp.251-261.
  • ① Rozelle, R.M. & Campbell, D.T., More plausible rival hypothbeses in the cross-laggedpanel correlation technigue, Psychogical Bulletin, 1969, Vo1.71, No.1, pp.74-80.
  • ② Crano, al., Does intelligence cause achievement? a cross lagged panel analysis, Journal of Educational FBychologyw 1972, VoI, 63, No.3, PP.258-275.
  • ③ Duncan, O, D., Patb analysise Socialogical examples, In Blalock Jr. M.M., Ed, 1985, P.55-79.
  • 1)  ① 黄佳芬, 徐敏:《上海市区中小学学生学业不良现状调查》, 《上海师范学院学报(杜科版)》1983年第4期。
    2)  ② 李丹, 金瑜等:《韦克斯勒儿童智力量表中国修订版(WISC-CR)上海市区常模(WISC--CRs)制定报告》,《心理学报》1987年第2期。
    3)  ③ Welner, B., A tbeory of motivation for some claasroom experience, Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp.3-25.
    4)  ④ Weiner, B., Some thougbts about feelings, in Paris, S.G. et al, eds, Learning and Motivation in the Classroom, 1983, pp:165-178.
    5)  ①Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
    6)  ② Bar-Tal, D., Attributional analysis of acbievement-related behavior, Review of Educational Research, 1987, Vo1, 48, No.2, PP. 259-271.
    7)  ③ Butkowsky, I, S。 & Willow, D.M., Cogaitive-motivationa1 characteristics of children varying in Teading abilitys Evidence for lcarning beIplessness in poor readers, Jourpal of Educational Psychology, 1980,Vol.73, No.3, PP.393-403.
    8)  ④Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
    9)  ⑤ Forsyth, D.R. & McMillam, J.H, , Attributions, affect, and expectations; A test of Weiner's three-dimensioral model, Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1981, Vol.73, No.3, PP.393-403.
    10)  ⑥Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
    11)  ⑦Weiner, B, , Some thougbts about feelings, In Paris, al., eds, Learing and Motivation in 'tbe Classroom, 1983, PP.165-178.
    12)  ⑧Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
    13)  ⑨ Meyer, J, P, Causal attribution for success and failure; A multivariate investigation of dimensionality, formation, and Consequences, Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology, 1980, Vol, 38, No.5, PP.704-718.
    14)  ⑩Weiner, B., A. theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journa1 of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp?-25.
    15)  ⑪Weiner, B, , Some thougbts about feelings, In Paris, al., eds, Learing and Motivation in 'tbe Classroom, 1983, PP.165-178.
    16)  ⑫ McMaban, I.D., Relationship between Causal attribution and expectanCy of success; Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology, 1973, Vol.28, No.1, PP.108-114.
    17)  ⑬ Riemer, B.S., Influence of Causal beliefs on affect and expectanCy, JournaI of Personality and Social Psycbology, 1975, Vol, 31, No.6, PP.1163-1167.
    18)  ⑭ Vall, V.A. & Frieze, I.H., Stability of causal attributions; A mediator in changing expectations for success, Journa1 of Personality and Social Psychology, 1976, Vol.33, No.5, pp.579-587.
    19)  ① Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classoom experienCe, Journal of Educational PsyChlogy,1979, Vo1, 71, No.1, PP. 3-25.
    20)  ② Abramson, L.Y. & Seligman, M.E.P., Learned belplessness in buman; Critique and reformulation, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978, Vol.87, No.1, pp.49-74.
    21)  ③ Dweck, C.S. & Reppucci, N.D., Learned helplessness and rainforcem3ot respoaibility io children, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973, Vo1.25, No.1, pp.109-116.
    22)  ④ Kukla, A, Atributional determinants of achievemant related bebavior, Jouroal of Personality and Social PsyChology, 1972, Vo1, 21, No.2, PP.166-174.
    23)  ⑤ Weiner, B.ct al., Causal asCriptions and achievemont bsbavior; A Conceptual aalysis of effort and reanalysis of loCus of control, Journal of Porsonality aod Social PsyChology, 1972, Vol, 21, No. 2, PP. 239-248.
    24)  ⑥ Marsb, H.W., Rolatiogship among dimensior of self-attribution, dimension of self-concept, aod acadomic achicvements, Jourpa1 of Educational Paychology, 1984, Vol, 76, No.6, pPp.1291-1308.
    25)  ① Seligman, M.E.P. & Maier, S.F., Failure to escape traumatic sbock, Journal of Experimenta l PsyChology, 1967, Vol.74, No.1, Pp.1-9.
    26)  ②希尔加德著、邵瑙珍等译:《学习论》上海教育出版社1987年版, 第456页。
    27)  ③ Miller I, I, W. & Norman, W.H, Learned helplessness in humans; A review and attribution-tbeory'model, Psychological Bulletin, 1979, Vol.86, No.1, PP.93-118.
    28)  ④希尔加德著、邵瑙珍等译:《学习论》上海教育出版社1987年版, 第456页。
    29)  ⑤ Thorton, J, W. & Jacobs, P, D., Learned helplessness in buman subjects, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1971, Vo1. 87, No.3, Pp.367-372.
    30)  ⑥ Dweck, C.S. & Gilliard, D, ,Expectancy statement as determinants of reaction to failure; Sex difference in persistence and expectancy change, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, Vo1.39, No.5, pp.940-952.
    31)  ⑦ Dweck, al, Sex differences in learned belplessness Ⅱ.The contingencies of evaluatve feedback in the classroom and Ⅱ, An experimental analysis, Developmental Psychology, 1978, Vol.14, No.3, PP.268- 276.
    32)  ⑧ Dweck, C. s. et al., Sex difereces in learned helplessess IV. An experimental and naturalistic study of failure generalizatton and its mediators, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, Vol, 38 NO.3, PP.441-452.
    33)  ① 殷普农:《上海市小学—至六年级阅读理解标准测验的编制和测试报告》《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》1987年第1期, 第71-82页。
    34)  ① Bar-Tal, D, & Guttman, J, A comparison of teachers', Pupils', and Parent's attributions regarding:pupils' academic achievements, British Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1981, vo.51, Pp. 301-311.
    35)  ② Friend, R.M. & Neale, J.M, Childen's perception of success and failure; An atributiona1 analysis of effect of race and social class, Developmental Psycbology, 1972, vol.7, No.2, pp.124-128.
    36)  ③ Raviv, al, Causal perception of suCcess and failure by advantaged, integrated, and disadvantaged pupils, Britisb Journal of Educational Psycbology, 1980, Vol. 50, pp.137-146.
    37)  ① Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Journal of Educational PsychologY, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, pp.3-25.
    38)  ② Raviv, al., Causal perception of suCCess and failure by. advantaged, integrated, and disadvan taged pupils, British Journal of Educational PsyChology, 1980, Vol, 50, PP.137-146.
    39)  ① Butkowsky, I, S, & Willows, D.M., Cogoitive-motivational chatacteristics of children varying in reading ability; Evidences for learned helplessness in poor readerS, PP.408-422.
    40)  ② DweCk, C.S. & Reppucci, N, D., Learned helessness and reinforcethent responsibility in childrep, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973, Vo1, 25, No. 1PP.109-116.
    41)  ① Kukla, A, , Attributional determinants of achievement-related behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972, Vo1.21, No.2, PP.166-174.
    42)  ② Marsh, H, W., Relatonip among dimenion of self-atribution, dimension of self-concept, and acade-mic achievements, Jouroal of Educational Psychology, 1984, Vo1.76, No.6, pp.1291-1308.
    43)  ③Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experienCe, Jouroal of Educational PsyhCology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, PP.3-25.
    44)  ④ Weiner, B, Some methodological pitf alls io attributional researCb. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1983, Vo1.75, No.4, PP.530-543.
    45)  ⑤ 杨心德:《初中学生成败归因的初步研究》,《心理科学通讯》1986年第6期。
    46)  ⑥Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experienCe, Jouroal of Educational PsyhCology, 1979, Vol.71, No.1, PP.3-25.
    47)  ⑦ BarTa, D, Attributional analysis of achievement-related bebavior, Review of Educational Researh, 1978,Vo1.48, No, 2, PP. 259-271.
    48)  ① Weiner, B., A theory of motivation for some classroom experience, Jouroal of Educational Psychology, 1979, Vo1.71, No, 1, PP.3-25.
    49)  ② Abramson, L, Y. & Seligman, M.E.P., Learned helplessness in humana Critique and ref ormulation Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978, Vol.87, No.1, PP.49-74.
    50)  ③ Dweck, C, S. & Ruppucci, N. D., Learned helplessoess and reinforCement responsibility in childron. Journal of Personality and SoCia1 Psychology, 1973, . Vo1 25, No.1, PP.109-116.
    51)  ④ Dweck, C.S. & Gilliard, D., ExpectanCy statement as determinants of roaction to failurer Sex tiffe rences in persistence and expectancy change, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, Vol.39, No.5, PP.940-952.
    52)  ⑤ Zanden, J. W.V. & Pace, A.J, , Educational Psychology, 1983, P.350.
    53)  ⑥ Andrew, G.R. & Debus, R.L, Persistenco and causal porception of failures Modifying cogaitive atti butions, Journal of Educational Psychology, 1978, Vol.70, No.2, PP.15- 166.
    54)  ⑦ Fowler, J.W. & Peteron, P.L., Increasing reading persistence and aIterig attributiona1 sty1e of learned “helplessn Ss children, Journal of Educational Psychology, 1981, Vol, 73, No.2, pp.251-261.
    55)  ① Rozelle, R.M. & Campbell, D.T., More plausible rival hypothbeses in the cross-laggedpanel correlation technigue, Psychogical Bulletin, 1969, Vo1.71, No.1, pp.74-80.
    56)  ② Crano, al., Does intelligence cause achievement? a cross lagged panel analysis, Journal of Educational FBychologyw 1972, VoI, 63, No.3, PP.258-275.
    57)  ③ Duncan, O, D., Patb analysise Socialogical examples, In Blalock Jr. M.M., Ed, 1985, P.55-79.
  • 表  1  优、中、不足三组被试的数学成绩、IQ、年龄的均数与标准差

    表  2  归因实验处理各组人数分布

    表  3  归因问卷结果一览*

    表  4  三维析因变差分析结果(F值)一览

    表  5  男女学生在不同反馈下对教师讲解归因和情感反应均数

    表  6  成绩不同的三组学生在两种反馈下所作不同类型归因的均数、标准差及t检验一览***

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