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刘俊升 桑标

刘俊升, 桑标. 内隐-外显态度的关系及其行为预测性[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2010, 28(2): 59-66.
引用本文: 刘俊升, 桑标. 内隐-外显态度的关系及其行为预测性[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2010, 28(2): 59-66.



国家自然科学基金项目 30870776

上海哲学社会科学规划项目 2006BJY003

上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师专项基金项目 RE707




  • Baron,A. S.,&Banaji,M. R.(2006)The development of implicit attitudes:Evidence of race evaluations from ages 6 and 10 and adulthood. Psychological Science,17(1):53-58.
  • Gosejohann,S.,Scarabis,M. & Florack,A.(2002). Influences of introspection on the consistency between automatic associations and self-reported attitudes. Poster presented at the general meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology,San Sebastian,Spain.
  • Wiers,R. W.,Woerden,N. V.,Smulders F. T. Y.,& de Jong,P. T.(2002). Implicit and explicit alcohol-related cognitions in heavy and light drinkers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,111,648-658.
  • Cunningham,W. A.,Preacher,K. J.,& Banaji,M. R.(2001)Implicit attitude measure:Consistency,stability,and convergent,validity. Psychological Science,12:163-170.
  • Banaji,M.,& Hardin,C.(1996). Automatic stereotyping. Psychological Science,7,136-141.
  • Fazio,R. H.,& Olson,M. A.(2003). Implicit measures in social cognition research:Their meaning and use. Annualeview of Psychology,54,297-327.
  • Gibb B E,Andover M S,Beach S R H.(2006). Suicidal Ideation and Attitudes Toward Suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior,36(1):12 ~ 19.
  • Cunningham,W. A.,Preacher,K. J.,& Banaji,M. R.(2001)Implicit attitude measure:Consistency,stability,and convergent,validity. Psychological Science,12:163-170.
  • Lemm K. M.(2000). Personal and social motivation to respond without prejudice:Implications for implicit and explicit attitudes and behavior. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,Yale University.
  • Greenwald A G,Banaji M R.(1995)Implicit social cognition:attitudes,self-esteem,and stereotypes. Psychological Review,102(1):4-27.
  • Perugini,M.(2005). Predictive models of implicit and explicit attitudes. British Journal of Social Psychology,44:29- 45.
  • Hugenberg,K.,& Bodenhausen,G. V.(2004). Ambiguity in social categorization:The role of prejudice and facial affect in race categorization. Psychological Science,15,342-345.
  • Hofmann,W.,Gawronski,B.,Gschwendner,T.,Le,H.,& Schmitt,M(2005). A Meta-Analysis on the Correlation Between the Implicit Association Test and Explicit Self-Report Measures,Personality and Social psychology Bulletin,31:1369- 1385.
  • Hofmann,W.,Gschwendner,T.,& Schmitt,M.(2005). On implicit-explicit consistency:The moderating role of individual differences in introspection and adjustment. European Journal of Personality,19,25-49.
  • Dovidio,J. F.,Gaertner,S. L.,Kawakami,K.,& Hodson,G.(2002). Why can't we just get along? Interpersonal biases and interracial distrust. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology,8,88-102.
  • Dasgupta,N.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2001)On the malleability of automatic attitudes:Combating automatic prejudice with images of admired and disliked individuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,81:800-814.
  • Banse,R.,Seise,J.,& Zerbes,N.(2001)Implicit attitudes towards homosexuality:Reliability,validity,and controllability of the IAT. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie,48,145-160.
  • Kawakami,K.,& Dovidio,J.(2001)The reliability of implicit stereotyping. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,27:212-225.
  • Nosek,B. A.,Banaji,M. R.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2002). Harvesting implicit group attitudes and beliefs from a demonstration website. Group Dynamics,6:101-115.
  • Karpinski,A.(2001). The relationship between attitudes and the Implicit Association Test. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,University of Michigan.
  • Florack,A.,Scarabis,M.,& Bless,H.(2001). The impact of perceived threat on the use of automatic associations in person judgments. Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie,32,249-259.
  • Maison,D.,Greenwald,A. G.,& Bruin,R. H.(2004). Predictive validity of the Implicit Association Test in studies of brands,consumer attitudes and behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology,14,405-415.
  • Neumann,R.,Hülsenbeck,K.,& Seibt,B.(2004). Attitudes towards people with AIDS and avoidance behavior:Automatic and reflective bases of behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,40,543-550.
  • Phelps,E. A.,O'Connor,K. J.,Cunningham,W. A.,Funayama,E. S.,Gatenby,J. C.,Gore,J. C.,& Banaji,M.R.(2000). Performance on indirect measures of race evaluation predicts amygdala activation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,12,729-738.
  • Rudman,L. A.,Ashmore,R. D.,& Gary,M. L.(2001)" Unlearning" automatic biases:The malleability of implicit prejudice and stereotypes. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,81:856 -868.
  • Egloff,B.,& Schmukle,S. C.(2002). Predictive validity of an implicit association test for assessing anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,83,1441-1455.
  • McGraw,K. M. & Mulligan,K.(2003). Implicit political attitudes:Measurement and consequences for political judgment. Unpublished manuscript,The Ohio State University.
  • 李梦丽.中小学生数学内隐态度的发展研究,天津师范大学2007届硕士论文.
  • Karpinski,A.,& Hilton,J.,L.(2001). Attitudes and the association task. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,81,774-788.
  • Brunel,F. F.,Collins,C. M.,Greenwald,A. G. & Tietje,B. C.(1999). Making the public private,accessing the inaccessible:Marketing applications of the Implicit Association Test. Polish Psychological Bulletin,32,1-9.
  • Nosek,B. A.,Banaji,M. R.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2002). Harvesting implicit group attitudes and beliefs from a demon-stration website. Group Dynamics,6,101-115.
  • Fazio,R. H.,Jackson,J. R.,Dunton,B. C.,& Williams,C. J.(1995). Variability in automatic activation as an unobtrusive measure of racial evaluations. A bona fide pipeline? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,69,1013 -1027.
  • Hummert M L,Garstka T A,Greenwald A G,Mellott D S.(2002)Using the Implicit Association Test to Measure Age Differences in Implicit Social Cognitions. Psychology and Aging,17(3):482-495.
  • Nosek,B. A.,& Hansen,J.(2004). The associations in our heads belong to us:Measuring the multifaceted attitude construct in implicit social cognition. Unpublished manuscript,University of Virginia.
  • Nosek,B. A.,Banaji,M. R.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2002). Math = male,me = female,therefore math ≠ me. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,83,44-59.
  • Ashburn-Nardo,L.,Knowles,M. L.,& Monteith,M. J.(2003). Black Americans’ implicit racial associations and their implications for intergroup judgment. Social Cognition,21,61-87.
  • 摘要: 心理学长久以来试图寻找态度与行为之间的对应关系, 然而研究结果却未提供太多支持性的证据, 其原因之一在于对态度结构的复杂性缺乏清晰的认识。内隐社会认知研究的兴起使我们认识到态度既包含意识的成份, 也包含无意识的成分, 即所谓内隐态度和外显态度的区分。本文在综合国内外大量文献的基础上, 着重探讨了内隐态度与外显态度之间的关系, 以及二者对于个体行为的预测情况。在此基础上对已有的研究成果进行了梳理, 并对未来的研究进行了展望。
    1)  Baron,A. S.,&Banaji,M. R.(2006)The development of implicit attitudes:Evidence of race evaluations from ages 6 and 10 and adulthood. Psychological Science,17(1):53-58.
    2)  Gosejohann,S.,Scarabis,M. & Florack,A.(2002). Influences of introspection on the consistency between automatic associations and self-reported attitudes. Poster presented at the general meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology,San Sebastian,Spain.
    3)  Wiers,R. W.,Woerden,N. V.,Smulders F. T. Y.,& de Jong,P. T.(2002). Implicit and explicit alcohol-related cognitions in heavy and light drinkers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,111,648-658.
    4)  Cunningham,W. A.,Preacher,K. J.,& Banaji,M. R.(2001)Implicit attitude measure:Consistency,stability,and convergent,validity. Psychological Science,12:163-170.
    5)  Banaji,M.,& Hardin,C.(1996). Automatic stereotyping. Psychological Science,7,136-141.
    6)  Fazio,R. H.,& Olson,M. A.(2003). Implicit measures in social cognition research:Their meaning and use. Annualeview of Psychology,54,297-327.
    7)  Gibb B E,Andover M S,Beach S R H.(2006). Suicidal Ideation and Attitudes Toward Suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior,36(1):12 ~ 19.
    8)  Cunningham,W. A.,Preacher,K. J.,& Banaji,M. R.(2001)Implicit attitude measure:Consistency,stability,and convergent,validity. Psychological Science,12:163-170.
    9)  Lemm K. M.(2000). Personal and social motivation to respond without prejudice:Implications for implicit and explicit attitudes and behavior. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,Yale University.
    10)  Greenwald A G,Banaji M R.(1995)Implicit social cognition:attitudes,self-esteem,and stereotypes. Psychological Review,102(1):4-27.
    11)  Perugini,M.(2005). Predictive models of implicit and explicit attitudes. British Journal of Social Psychology,44:29- 45.
    12)  Hugenberg,K.,& Bodenhausen,G. V.(2004). Ambiguity in social categorization:The role of prejudice and facial affect in race categorization. Psychological Science,15,342-345.
    13)  Hofmann,W.,Gawronski,B.,Gschwendner,T.,Le,H.,& Schmitt,M(2005). A Meta-Analysis on the Correlation Between the Implicit Association Test and Explicit Self-Report Measures,Personality and Social psychology Bulletin,31:1369- 1385.
    14)  Hofmann,W.,Gschwendner,T.,& Schmitt,M.(2005). On implicit-explicit consistency:The moderating role of individual differences in introspection and adjustment. European Journal of Personality,19,25-49.
    15)  Dovidio,J. F.,Gaertner,S. L.,Kawakami,K.,& Hodson,G.(2002). Why can't we just get along? Interpersonal biases and interracial distrust. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology,8,88-102.
    16)  Dasgupta,N.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2001)On the malleability of automatic attitudes:Combating automatic prejudice with images of admired and disliked individuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,81:800-814.
    17)  Banse,R.,Seise,J.,& Zerbes,N.(2001)Implicit attitudes towards homosexuality:Reliability,validity,and controllability of the IAT. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie,48,145-160.
    18)  Kawakami,K.,& Dovidio,J.(2001)The reliability of implicit stereotyping. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,27:212-225.
    19)  Nosek,B. A.,Banaji,M. R.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2002). Harvesting implicit group attitudes and beliefs from a demonstration website. Group Dynamics,6:101-115.
    20)  Karpinski,A.(2001). The relationship between attitudes and the Implicit Association Test. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,University of Michigan.
    21)  Florack,A.,Scarabis,M.,& Bless,H.(2001). The impact of perceived threat on the use of automatic associations in person judgments. Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie,32,249-259.
    22)  Maison,D.,Greenwald,A. G.,& Bruin,R. H.(2004). Predictive validity of the Implicit Association Test in studies of brands,consumer attitudes and behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology,14,405-415.
    23)  Neumann,R.,Hülsenbeck,K.,& Seibt,B.(2004). Attitudes towards people with AIDS and avoidance behavior:Automatic and reflective bases of behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,40,543-550.
    24)  Phelps,E. A.,O'Connor,K. J.,Cunningham,W. A.,Funayama,E. S.,Gatenby,J. C.,Gore,J. C.,& Banaji,M.R.(2000). Performance on indirect measures of race evaluation predicts amygdala activation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,12,729-738.
    25)  Rudman,L. A.,Ashmore,R. D.,& Gary,M. L.(2001)" Unlearning" automatic biases:The malleability of implicit prejudice and stereotypes. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,81:856 -868.
    26)  Egloff,B.,& Schmukle,S. C.(2002). Predictive validity of an implicit association test for assessing anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,83,1441-1455.
    27)  McGraw,K. M. & Mulligan,K.(2003). Implicit political attitudes:Measurement and consequences for political judgment. Unpublished manuscript,The Ohio State University.
    28)  李梦丽.中小学生数学内隐态度的发展研究,天津师范大学2007届硕士论文.
    29)  Karpinski,A.,& Hilton,J.,L.(2001). Attitudes and the association task. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,81,774-788.
    30)  Brunel,F. F.,Collins,C. M.,Greenwald,A. G. & Tietje,B. C.(1999). Making the public private,accessing the inaccessible:Marketing applications of the Implicit Association Test. Polish Psychological Bulletin,32,1-9.
    31)  Nosek,B. A.,Banaji,M. R.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2002). Harvesting implicit group attitudes and beliefs from a demon-stration website. Group Dynamics,6,101-115.
    32)  Fazio,R. H.,Jackson,J. R.,Dunton,B. C.,& Williams,C. J.(1995). Variability in automatic activation as an unobtrusive measure of racial evaluations. A bona fide pipeline? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,69,1013 -1027.
    33)  Hummert M L,Garstka T A,Greenwald A G,Mellott D S.(2002)Using the Implicit Association Test to Measure Age Differences in Implicit Social Cognitions. Psychology and Aging,17(3):482-495.
    34)  Nosek,B. A.,& Hansen,J.(2004). The associations in our heads belong to us:Measuring the multifaceted attitude construct in implicit social cognition. Unpublished manuscript,University of Virginia.
    35)  Nosek,B. A.,Banaji,M. R.,& Greenwald,A. G.(2002). Math = male,me = female,therefore math ≠ me. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,83,44-59.
    36)  Ashburn-Nardo,L.,Knowles,M. L.,& Monteith,M. J.(2003). Black Americans’ implicit racial associations and their implications for intergroup judgment. Social Cognition,21,61-87.
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