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Employability of Humanities PhD Graduates and Labor Market Mismatches
Qing Shisong
, Available online  , doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.12.008
Identifying skills and competences for PhD graduates can help to improve the doctoral training mechanism and the effectiveness of high-end talents. Using cross-country survey data of PhD graduates and employers, this paper analyzes their views on the skills needed in job markets. It is found that doctoral graduates not only need specific knowledge and research abilities, but also need a wide range of general skills such as oral communication, writing, collaboration, interpersonal skills and project management. Looking at PhD graduates' and employers' views, it is found that PhD programs fail to equip graduates with skills needed in employment market. There is a skill gap and mismatch. In the new era of knowledge innovation, the core component of doctoral education is academic training, but employability agenda should be an integral part of this process. Stakeholders involved in the process of developing PhD graduates' employability should establish partnerships. This research contributes to understanding doctoral qualifications and approaches to cultivating them.